Unique DEWLine Jacket Patches, Crests & Plaques, Etc.
Miscellaneous Patches
(Clicking a image will open a full size image in a new window.)
- 719th AC&W Sparrevohn AK. Courtesy Chuck Sunder.
- North Warning Patch. Courtesy Al Niedrich.
- USCGC Storis 1959 DEWLine operation WAG 38. Courtesy Don (Wag) Wagner.
- USCGC Storis 1958 DEWLine operation. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
- USCGC Storis 1957 DEWLine operation. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
- USCGC Storis 1957 North West Passage. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
- DEWLine Arctic Circle, 1955-56. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- DEWLine, 1956. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- DEWLine Arctic
- DEWLine North West Territories.
- DEWLine/NWT parches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
- DEWLine/NWT parches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
- DEWLine. Courtesy Sid Carmean.
- Small NWT patches. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- Small NWT patches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
- 4700 ADS. Courtesy Mark Boda.
- 4700 DEW System Office and Operational Support Sqn. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
- ITT Arctic Services Inc. patch. Courtesy Harold Stacy.
- ITT Federal Electric Corp patch. Courtesy Denny Dennison.
- DEWLine lapel pins. Courtesy Denny Dennison.
- Greenland sector patch.
- USAF DEWLine patch. Courtesy Bob Wilson.
Site Patches, etc.
(Clicking a thumbnail will open a full size image in a new window.)
- POW Main. Courtesy John Vanderberg.
- BAR Main. Courtesy Sarah Belisle.
- BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- BAR 3. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- BAR 3. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- PIN Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- PIN Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- PIN 1. Courtesy Mark Boda.
- CAM Main. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
- CAM Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- CAM Main. Courtesy Mark Boda.
- CAM Main OokPik Inn coaster. Courtesy Harold Stacey.
- CAM Main OokPik Inn coaster and membership card. Courtesy Ken Todd.
- CAM Main NWS patch. Courtesy Brent Peters.
- CAM 1. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- CAM 1. Courtesy Wayne Slone.
- CAM 3.
- FOX Main. Courtesy Richard Preece.
- FOX Main. Courtesy Dennis Thornton.
- FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- FOX Main. Courtesy Dave Rennie.
- FOX 1 (1961). Courtesy Clary McLellan.
- FOX 2. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- FOX 4. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- DYE Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- DYE Main (Site 41). Courtesy Doug Johnston.
- DYE 1. Courtesy Michael Current.
- DYE 2. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
- DYE 3. Courtesy Tarjei Holtestaul, Capt., Royal Norwegian Army (Cav).
- DYE 3.
- DYE 4. Courtesy Fred Teeter.
- DYE 4. Courtesy Mark Boda.
- DYE 4. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
- RES-X-1 (BAF 3). Courtesy Richard Preece.
Belt Buckles/Miscellaneous Items
(Clicking a thumbnail will open a full size image in a new window.)
- Ladies silk “DEWLine” scarf. Courtesy Mike Rankin.
- “DEWsiak” glass. Courtesy Douglas Radney.
- CAM 3 Kontiki Club membership.
- RES-X-1 liquer license, 1973. Courtesy Richard Preece.
- RES-X-1 Brass Plaque.
- Collective Agreement between O&MS Inc & IBEW 2085. Courtesy Richard Preece.
- Lighter collection. Courtesy Richard Preece.
- Dog Musher Assoc card. Courtesy Chris Bentley.
- DEWLine Plaque. Courtesy Jack A Williams
- FOX Main plaque. Courtesy Jack A Williams.
- NAADM/NWS 20 year reunion memorial couin.
- ITT letter. Courtesy Steven Shewchuk.
- Select Order of Zaks Certificate. Courtesy Dirk Van Nest.
- Radician Certificate of Training. Courtesy Les Herbert.
- WECO “Order of Arctic Experts.” 1956. Courtesy Robert Davis.
- DEWLine coin. Courtesy Robert Davis.
- Bracelet charms and lapel button. Courtesy Robert Davis.
- Society of the Frozen North certificate. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
- Alaska DEWLine souvenir knife. Courtesy Willian H Skinner.
- NWS commemorative belt buckle. Courtesy Larry Wilson.
- ITT lapel pin. Presented at the end of contract in 1993. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
- DYE 4 Zippo lighter. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
- Order of the Seagulls. Courtesy Jack Long.
- DEWLine lighter collection. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- DEWLine lighter. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- BAR 4 souvenir knife. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- Paramus NJ ashtray. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- DEWLine “Icecap” lighter. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
- USNS Mighty Mouse. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
- DEWLine IBEW pin. Courtesy Ralph Howell.
- BAR Main lighter. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- DEWLine lapel pins. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- NAADM lapel pins. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- VIP manual, front cover, 1970. Courtesy Ken Todd.
- DEWLine IBEW union card. Courtesy Ken Todd.
- FEC driver’s license (front). Courtesy Ken Todd.
- FEC driver’s license (rear). Courtesy Ken Todd.
- US Govt DEWLine driver’s license (front). Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- US Govt DEWLine driver’s license (rear). Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- Cambridge bay patch. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
- Employee ID card. Courtesy Jack Elliot.
- DEWLine 25 year lapel pin. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
- DSO plaque. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
- DEWLine patch. Alaska-Canada-Greenland. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
- NWT patch. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
- DEWLine Training Manual cover. Courtesy Ken Todd.
- NAADM patch. Courtesy Brent Peters.
- ITT Arctic Serevices pen knife. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- DEWLine charm braclet. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- 1956 Christmas menu (front). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- 1956 Christmas menu (inside). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- 1957 New Years menu (front). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- 1957 New Years menu (inside). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
- OokPik Inn beer mug. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
- DEWLine Christmas card. Courtesy Jacque Lambert.
- Another DEWLine Christmas card. Courtesy Jacque Lambert.