- FOX-MAIN, HALL BEACH, Canada, is situated on 2880 acres located on a small point of land which forms the eastern most extremity of a broad coastal plain that extends from Foxe Basin to Hall Lake, 20 miles to the west. This Main Radar Station, headquarters for FOX Sector, is located at the summit of a knoll 15 feet above sea level. the surrounding terrain is flat with the surface being studded with numerous ponds and lakes. The maximum elevation as far west as Hall Lake is 50 feet. The general area appears to be an emerging sea bottom. The entire coast is lined with gravel bars that parallel the shore.
- Annual precipitation, including snowfall, is approximately 7 inches, being heaviest in July and August and least in February. Snowfall is greatest in October and November and averages about 36 inches a year. the absolute minimum and maximum temperatures are minus 58 and plus 74 degrees Fahrenheit respectively.
- A round trip water haul of one mile is maintained summer and winter.

Building Layout Diagram.

Building Layout Diagram Hangar Area.

Satellite Image – High level.

Satellite Image – Close-up.

Site Photos 1988.
Click to enlarge.
- The modules at the lower right were the “Electronic Modules” and the ones on the upper left are the living modules (bedrooms).
- Overhead bridge connecting the two module trains.
- FOX-Main antenna farm.
- Old power plant in 1992. Dan McIssac doing shift checks. These White Superior engines were replaced with Caterpillar engines in 1994.
- Expanded dining area at FOX-main. Courtesy Marty Atherson.
- TropoScatter system antennas with television and telephone satellite dishes below. Courtesy Marty Atherton.
- Construction tent in 1962 or 63. John Higenbottam (left) Barry Dunn (center) and friend. Courtesy John Higenbottam.
- Site view from the airstrip.
- Christmas party for Hall Beach Inuit children in the late 1970’s. Sants is John Ross.
- FOX-Main Lower Camp Christmas festivities, 1962. Courtesy Lyall Lalonde.
- Noon day sun betweeen the 90 foot Tropo antennas. Courtesy Marian Rocko.
- Not all arrivals were successful. Aircraft (AVRO York) wreck from construction days.
- FOX-Main, winter view courtesy Marty Atherton.
- Sealift, 1960. Courtesy Lyall Lalonde.
- Sealift, 1960. Courtesy Lyall Lalonde.
Full size photos (below).

View of the overhead heated walkway between building trains. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

Old Power Plant Control room 1992. All this equipment has since been removed.

90 foot tall Tropo antennas. taken from overhead walkway. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

The door to the Sauna. (In memory of Bob Tugwell.) Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

Aerial view of the site 1960. Taken from the top of the “AA Tower” 300 ft up. Courtesy Doug Consul.

“AA” Tower. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Construction Camp 1957. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Construction Camp 1957. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Inside the Power plant 1960. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Power Plant – Diesel, 1960. Courtesy Doug Consul.

External view of the Power Plant 1960. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Hall Beach Nursing Station 1960. Courtesy Doug Consul.

Alan McMillan(left), Alex Puritch (right) unloading fuel drums. Courtesy John Higenbottam.

Building Layout.
For even more pictures and information on FOX Main, Hall Beach, check out the following links:
- Canada’s first Arctic community, Hall Beach (Sanirajak NU.) Jack Lupic’s tribute page.
- Hall Beach (FOX Main), 50 Years later. Video. An old DEWLiner’s pilgrimage and stroll down memory lane. (25:08 minutes).
Construction Era Photos for FOX-Main.
The pictures below were selected from the extensive collection of Markham Cheever, the DEWLine’s Superintendent of Construction from 1953 to 1957, before the Line went operational. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- Maritime Central Airways (MCA) DC-3 at Hall Lake airlifting in construction supplies. April 1955.
- A summer of ’57 photo of the two, 60 foot, West facing lateral antennas. Aug 1957.
- Radome assembly. Aug 1956.
- A view from the Dopplar tower of the radome construction. The power modules containing the generators are shown in the upper right of the photo. Aug 1956.
- Another photo of the radome erection. Aug 1956.
- Radome erection as seen from ground level. Aug 1956.
- An inside view of the radome construction. Aug 1956.
- Removing snow from the construction camp living area. March 1956.
- Installing the roof panels of the main garage. Oct 1955.
- Installing the garage doors on the main garage. Oct 1955.
- Tarpaulin covered construction material. Oct 1955.
- Another photo of the construction material storage area. Oct 1955.
- Material storage area in preparation for site construction. Oct 1955.
- A wind-swept (40 Kt wind) aerial view of the completed FOX-Main station. May 1957.
The People.
The people in the photos below, also from the Markham Cheever collection, are displayed in the hopes that someone may recognize a father, grandfather, or friend who was involved in the construction of this particular DEWLine site. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- Governor General Vincent Massey’s visit in 1956. Note the dignitary flag near the cockpit of the GG’s RCAF North Star aircraft. March 1956.
- L to R: Novikoff, Governor General Massey, M. S. Cheever, and M. Mullin. March 1956.
- General Washburn’s C-54 landing at FOX-Main for a dignitary visit. Aug 1956.
- L to R: General Washburn, Joe Kane, Jack Ferry, and M. S. Cheever (in his signature red cap). Aug 1956.
- L to R: General Washburn, M. S. Cheever. Sept 1956.
- Cliff Evans with some Eskimo )Inuit) children. March 1956.
- Jock “Scottie” Arbuckle with a little libation. May 1957.
- L to R: McKenna, Ross, Finlayson, and Walker. Jan 1957.
- L to R: Fred Fisher and Sam Scoville. May 1956.
- Fish Hassell. May 1956.
- Arnold Krogh. May 1956.
- Dick Wright sitting with some old bones found on the Hall Beach, FOX-Main site. Aug 1955.