Your comments are most welcome. Use the form below to submit your comments, observations, memories, thoughts, or whatever. Comments are moderated and usually appear within 24 hours. When appropriate, I’ll reply with an email to your personal email address as well as post a reply.
I am looking or my Grandfather. He would have been in Greenland in the 1950’s. His name is Walter Klabunde from Minnesota USA. Where he worked, what he did, and when he was there. I heard he was there for 2 years about. Thank you so much.
I wonder if Pin was named after Pingo’s small hills in the western arctic. I did a couple of tours in Bar 1 1988 and 1989 a tour in Bar 4 1989 and a short stint in Bar 3 in 1992. I remember the pilots calling us into the cockpit of the HS 748 to see the smoking hills and the Pingo’s. Good memories of the Dewline working for FSC and Felec Services Inc. worked on the Line from 1986 to 1993 closure. All sites from Fox Main to Bar 1 except Cam 3, Pin 4 and Bar 2. Shout out to a former Station Chief John Donovan who was at Pin 4 and the dog called Cloud who could open doors and a character. Lots of interesting people with stories to tell.
Good question and I don’t have the definitive answer. Apart from wanting a three-letter designator, why PIN and not PAN? One of the great mysteries of life… unsolved.
Brian J.
Does anyone know where the “PIN” came from in “PIN-Main”? All of the other codes come from the location of the Main station, BAR-M is from Barter Island, DYE-M is Cape Dyer.
PIN-M is at Cape Parry. I understand they wouldn’t want a BAR and a PAR code in the same system. But what made them go with “PIN”?
Good catch! I’ve made the correction. Many thanks for your sharp eyes and for taking the time to point out the errors.
Brian J.
Didn’t see anywhere else to say this. you have a few errors in your article, “Skyking” Emergency Action Message (EAM). In the section “Skyking Today” you reference 2 frequencies within human hearing range. I think that you were trying to say 6712 kHz and 8992 kHz or 6.712 MHz and 8.992 MHz respectively.
My uncle Jack served on the Dew Line at FOX 4
John (Jack), (Deceased 1967) Radician 1957-59 FOX 4
The “all who maintain the site” turns out to be me, Brian Jeffrey, a 1960-63 model Radician. 🙂
Thanks to all who maintain this great site. Sad to see friends
That I knew when they were alive though! I spent my
+-10 yrs in Greenland Dye2, 3 and Dye1. I was Lead
Radician @Dye1 for the last couple years, then ended up
in Sondrestrom (RTB) AFB. I took part in the closure
of Dye2 when AF contractors came up and inspected the
lifting system and stated it was faulty! The USAF had
enough and a sat-comm system was installed at the Radio
Terminal Building (RTB) basically cutting off the the sites ,more
Hi Everybudy, I joined in 1957 trained as a COMM TECH 221, 3 years later remustered to 231, Radar Tech
Went to Keesler AFB for T2Tng. in 64 I instructed on the T2B for 4 years. Then back to Keesler for
BUIC 3 training. 28 Weeks/plus 16 weeks of Programming. retired as a 261 in 1980. Loved the service, however 24 years I went over to Transport Canada. retired in 1995. Airport Services – All Electronics-NAVAids.
Markus, it’s been over 60 years since I last sat in front of the FSA-14 console watching the damn thing go round and round. Another DEWLiner, Fred Teeter, found this web site ( that shows the rotation as being between 3.3 and 10 RPM. I suspect 3.3 is the correct speed. That would give a rotation of about 18 seconds for a full sweep.
Hope this helps.
Hey y’all. I was a FELEC console operator in the Canadian sector in the 1980’s and knew all the details of the AN/FPS-19 but now I’m trying to remember the time for one full sweep on the screen. Was it 45 seconds?
PS: We were also IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) members but didn’t make anything close to what the Alaskan staff were making, but more than the poor Greenlanders, whose wages were terrible.
Thank you David for your kind words regarding the DEWLine website. I served at FOX-3 (amongst other sites) in the early 1960’s and had to take the helicopter over to FOX-C many times. I write about some of my (mis)adventures in my book, “Adventures from the Coldest Part of the Cold War,” (available on Amazon). You might enjoy it.
Brian J.
I’ve stumbled across this website while looking for more information on FOX-3, what an amazing collection of photos and information. I currently work on the NWS as a petroleum technician. I’ve often wondered the history of these sites and it’s very interesting to see how’s it’s changed over the years through your collection! Thanks so much!
I’ve passed your message along to Thomas. I hope that he responds to you.
Brian J.
To Thomas Niedermeyer
I am Attila Toth, have a similar story. I don’t have the exact dates yet, but I was hired by OMS, Inc in 1972 1973 in Washington DC . Was sent to Sreator Ill to school. Stayed in a downtown Hotel owned by an East Indian family. the school was mainly about reporting the weather. From there I went to Thule then to “P” Mt. It was the down link. Next stop Sondrestrom then DYE3 then DYE1. Altogether I was in Greenland 3.5 years, left in the Summer of 1975.
I do not remember your name but our path must have crossed as you can see.
Would like to hear from you if you remember. Unfortunately, at my age, I have hard times remembering names..
I was a Radar-communications technician at Thule BMEWS site in 1972-73. I got hired by RCA-OMS in Baltimore and was sent to Streator for training, weather ops, and certification in late summer 1972 with the intention of sending me to a DEW line site. I did particularly well on the technical electronics tests, so they asked to send me to Thule instead, where I started in late September. I worked 84 hours/week, 12 hours per day, every day, and was at the terminal site for the underwater cable link stateside via Newfoundland. There were three technicians in total, one for morning to evening, one for midnight to noon, and one for noon to midnight, which is the one that I preferred because I liked being alone for 6 hours. If I remember correctly, my pay was $8.40/hour. I’d be happy to connect with anyone who would like further information or share memories.
Glad you enjoyed it, Tad. Hope you learn something. I live near you in Carp.
Amazing!!!! I leave in Kanata and love this history!! thank you so much to share with us.
Thank you Brian
Thanks for commenting. I didn’t know your father but I hope those who did will want to know of his passing and will remember him fondly.
Brian J.
I am not sure how many of you remember my father, Richard Gooch, but I am sure if you knew him, you would never forget him. He had so many stories of the Dewline and he was so fond of his team there. He recently passed (August) and I just wanted to let those of you that remember him know.
Thank you,
Richard’s Daughter / Michelle
Thanks Clive. Seems to be working now but I’ll look into it.
Hi Brian, The search bar on the Dewliner’s list seems to be inop (Sep 7 2022)
Good day Bill:
Always a pleasure to hear from another old-timer. From the locations you mentioned, it appears that you served on the Pinetree line before moving to Transport Canada. As DEWLiner, I have minimal knowledge of the Pinetree Line and people who worked on that Line are fast disappearing so, sadly, we are losing a part of history.
Hi fellow old Dew liners. I spent 13 years on the line at places like Mont a Pica Quebec Canada, Falconbridge Ontario, Baldy Hughes British Columbia, Lowther Ontario, and others working on the radars. Retired and went to work for Transport Canada working on their radars and air traffic control systems and finally retired from Nav Canada with full pension. Glad to hear from you. Thank old memories resurfaced.
I think I might of become from a Stony Mountain Anzac brat. My mother was a very nice young looking Metis woman, in May 1956. I was born Feb/57. I had freckles, hazel eyes and light skin. I never found my dad’s name. My grandfather , Wink Plews (adopted me), talked of when the Forest Service Tower had to set it East because the DND had nibs to it, in early 50’s. The Anzac was a great place, a weather gravel road, from town to base. A new subdivision was starting to bring people to area. The train would go from Ft McMurray – Edmonton. A large float plane dock, enough six planes. The engineers installed a weir to make the lake bigger and deeper. (Willow Lake) Then when Black happened here too! February 20th 1959. All of the construction was shut down. You can see where the road wasn’t finished 2 km to top of the base. I remember the helicopters flagging the last time in July 1965.
Great job on the site, Brian! Kudos! I tried contributing $ 50 to the cause just now, but I’m not sure it went thru. PayPal sometimes makes users who prefer using a CC card (me) run in circles to complete a transaction. Anyway, let me know if it comes through.
Question that perhaps has been answered: Is there a way to assemble the names & contact info of DEW Liners in the Directory to make them searchable? I would enjoy being able to see and perhaps reach out to guys who served at DYE 4, 1976-1977, for instance.
Pass along my regards to “Red” along with a “Thank you” for the work he did on the Mid-Canada Line. He has every right to be proud of the work he did.
Brian J.
My uncle Glenn Jarvis is listed at Cranberry Portage 1956-58 site 715 which he talks about often. He also worked at the Lac La Ronge site 1954-55 but it is not listed.
He is proud to have had this experience and has only positive things to say.
He had frequent positive interactions with members of the Cree and tells the name given his was “Mistoostigwan” (I spelt it phonetically) which means Red-head. Interestingly enough, in english, his knickname is Red.
Thanks for reaching out Chris. Always great to “meet” another DEWLiner. It seems that we were on the Line about the same time, me a bit earlier than you (1960-63). It’s also nice to hear from folks who have photos and stories up on the DEWLine website.
Several years ago, I took a stroll down memory lane and documented my DEWLine experiences in a book titled, “Adventures from the Coldest Part of the Cold War.” It’s available from Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions at: You might find it of interest.
Be safe, stay well.
Brian J.
I was a radician at Dye-1 for 18 months from 1965-67. The site had two 10kw transmitters to Cape Dyer and two 10kw transmitters to DYE-2 as well as a lower powered link to Sonderstrum. The links were quadruple diversity with something like 132 channels of multiplex communications. We tracked all aircraft (including B52s)as well as doing weather observations. It was a good gig for a young man with some experience in electronics as the pay was good and there was no US income tax if you stayed off US soil for 18 months. See my photos on Wilson Dye1 site.
Thank you for contacting me.
We have very little information on the DYE stations, and I’d be delighted to have digital copies of your father’s photos and involvement with the stations.
You don’t mention DYE-2. Did your father work there as well? We have photos from the early 2000’s of the snow slowly enveloping the station. It would be fascinating to see if the station is still visible today.
Brian J.
Hello Brian
My father was involved in the construction of DYE-1 in the 50s.
He was sent in by Danish subcontractor “Danish Arctic Contractors”.
I have an envelope with pictures I can scan in if you are interested, you are welcome to post them.
He was later in Thule and worked on the construction of the buildings, not the radar array itself. I no pictures of that.
Later in the 80s he returned to jack up DYE-3 and 4, I have a few pictures of that also.
Lars M H Olsen
DYE-5 was never formally considered a part of the DEWLine, at not least during my time. DYE-5 was radio-linked to DYE-4 but reported through NARS. If anything, DYE-5 would have been considered the western end of NARS rather than the eastern end of the DEWLine.
Unfortunate, no! I wish there was.
Sorry to keep catching stuff left out. There is a Dye site left out. Dye-5. This was in Keflavik Iceland. The Main building was the eastern most DEW line site (Dye-5, 50KW shot to Dye-4). The “Radio” building was the first NARS site, (NARS site 41, 50KW shot to NARS 42 in Hofn Iceland).. It was the string NARS Tropo sites that connected Europe to the DEW line. Thanks.
I believe this is incomplete in the explanation of Tropo Quad Diversity.
“It was then that Radio Engineering Labs came up with a “quad diversity” system by providing a second transmitting antenna which was driven by a second radio transmitter that was tuned to a frequency separated from the frequency of the first transmitter (use of two operational frequencies was known as “frequency diversity”). Transmitting antenna #1 provided two separate paths to the two receive antennae, while transmitting antenna #2 provided two additional paths to the two receiving antennae. With four separate paths provided, the likelihood of all four radio receivers at the receiving site simultaneously loosing their signals was dramatically reduced. It was this advance that allowed long range troposcatter to be developed for the Barter Island-Ft. Yukon shot.
…….. The diversity was as follows: Space Diversity (antennas separated), Frequency Diversity (two different frequencies, Polarity Diversity (one transmitter was Polarized H and the other was polarized V). The 4th diversity was combiner diversity, early on it was pre-detection combiners and later upgraded to post detection combiners.
Vernon Bush (Tropo – Dye 5, NARS 42, NARS 46)
Is anybody making or selling these patches? I’d love some
I was on Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska. I was in the USAF and was a Morse Code Intercept Radio Operator.
I was in the USAFSS – 6981st Radio Group Mobile Det 1
My Tour Of Duty Was October 1962 to October 1963
This Air Force Station was part of the DEWLine.
Unfortunately I don’t have access to any information that would be helpful Amy.
I had a veteran from WI call me today and ask about the Energy Department in DC calling and asking questions as to his time at Thule. These seemed to be medical in nature. Is there any information or sources that you have come in contact with pertaining to anything like this? If so, could you email them to me so I can forward this to that veteran. He does not have a computer. Thank You.
Thank you very much for the offer. I’d be most interested in receiving copies of your father’s photos. I’ll contact you directly by email.
My father spent some time replacing a reflector dish at DYE 2 in September of 1985. I have a great collection of photos of the repairs that were done as well as arial photography of the building itself and the area aound DYE 2 and 4. I also have a jacket patch from DYE 2. It has been very interesting for me to learn about the sites and to find out that they were shut down shortly after my father was there. He passed away 9 years ago and it kind of feels nice to think that the work my father enjoyed so much will become a frozen time capsule inside the glacier.
I am wondering if you would be interested in copies of these photos to share with your audience. Thank so much for this site.
Thanks for the additional information Doug. Most appreciated.
Below is a link which provides a more detailed update on the mystery DC-3 crash site in the North Yukon:
The wreck does fall within the Ivvavik National Parks. Thanks to Chris Lennie for the most recent photos from summer 2018. He was accompanied by a Parks official when visiting the wreck site. Parks Canada will hopefully document the wreck site in detail during their summer work plan in 2020. Cheers, Doug
Unfortunately, I don’t have access to any records that would provide you with the information you seek. You’re best bet may be to contact DND and find someone in their archive/records section who may be able to help you.
Good luck.
Brian J.
I was a new member of the RCAF and took the basic electronics course in ’56 – ’57.
During my stay I was best man at a wedding of two friends – probably in early ’57. Have not had further contact and worse than that, I can only remember the first name of the bride.
Any idea where one might access base chapel records.?
For additional insights on life on the DEWLine, check out my personal DEWLine adventures at
Thanks for the correction.
Thanks for taking the time to comment and for providing the information on the DC-3 crash in the area. I suspect the wreckage is still there somewhere as it would have been too big to recover, even if it was in good condition. What usually happened after a crash is that all the usable equipment was recovered, along with the engines, and the remaining hulk was left in place. I have several photos of wrecks scattered across the Arctic. You might see if you can find the site of the wreck using Google Earth. I’ve found a few that way.
Correction…..Hubbs and others mentioned were not the crew on the DC-3 but were involved in the rescue of the 2 man DC-3 crew. DD
Great web site! I was too young to experience life on the DEWline but grew up hearing “BAR-C”…a place where my Brother spoke of when he worked with Imperial Oil Ltd. out of Inuvik and Tuk. Later, my work took me to Shingle Point and Stokes Point…..once camping at Stokes in the mid 1980s for about 6 days. Of late I am trying to track down more information about an Interior Airways DC-3 that crashed in January, 1958 en route to or from one of the sites back to Fairbanks (Charlie Hubbs, Pilot, crew Cy Hetherington and Bill Casey…all survived). There appears to be all but one photo of this accident site from about 1962 taken by a helicopter pilot who was working with geologists at the time mapping the north Yukon. Below is a link to a recent blog on the story (prepared by a good friend, Murray Lundberg) with the limited information we have so far. It seems few people actually know about the wreck so now we are trying to figure out exactly where it took place and if the wreckage could still be there…or….if it was salvaged/cleaned up. Thought I would send a note and see if you might have more information on this. Cheers, Doug Davidge.
The link is:
Thanks for sharing your memories of Lonely (POW-1). Please send along any photos you might have. I’ll add them to the site if appropriate.
Brian J.
I’ve visited your site in the past and it brought back tons of memories.
I was stationed at Lonely for two years, 1979-1981. We were not part of the line, but actually an oil exploration contract given to Husky Oil to drill numerous “test” wells and then cap them. The data was used by the Gov’t to determine values of leases on the North Slope. We had a dozen camps spread all over the slope and my job was flying one of the aircraft that moved people and supplies. I later went on to fly the Boeing 747 at America West, USAir and retired from American all due to mergers.
I loved my time up there and made many good friends that I still have contact with today. I also carried a camera on my belt, so I have dozens of photos of people and places. I don’t know if you have any interest in those, but I have a couple of nice shots of Rollagons and other equipment.
I was the first to reach the crash site of flight 203 at inigok. We were having dinner at Lonely and saw the fireball out the window. We jumped in our aircraft and landed over the flameing wreck. It was a miracle that there were no fatalities. It was great running across you folks again. Have a Merry Christmas. Capt. R. A. “Dick” Wilson
Do remember what years he was there and what he did? He might qualify for addition to the DEWLiner’s Contact List.
Brian J.
My Dad use to work at the one in streator i remember going ther when i was young
Thanks for the kind words. Most appreciated.
This is a great site. I stumbled in, having google searched “skyking foxtrot” and I’ve been glued since! Love these stories and thanks, gentlemen for your service.
I notice that you are already on the DEWLiner’s Contact List. I’m glad you enjoyed your stroll down memory lane and thank you very much for your donation towards the upkeep of the site. It was most appreciated. If you’re interested you can check out my stroll down memory lane at
Brian J.
What an excellent trip through massive memories for me. I had forgotten about this incredible site.
Thanks again to all who created and maintain the site. I worked as part of the DRCU – DEW Record Communications Upgrade team. I worked at all Alaskan sites, 40% of the Canadian sites, all Greenland sites, and our Iceland site.
I was stationed at Barter Island as Crypto Lead before leaving April of 1983.
Many great memories.
Thanks for the offer Nick. I recommend you get a set of high-res copies made for archival purposes and a second set of low-res copies made for use on the Internet. Anything under 100K is a good size and in .JPG format.
I just found one package of 8×10 black-and-white photos from BAR-Main. I know that there is a second package and a package of 35mm color slides. There is one slide in particular I want to find of our living quarters (“Train”) when it was covered over with snow and all you can see are the vent stacks and the hole dug to climb out of the building. There is also a photo of me with Reverend Paul “Chappy” Maurer that I would absolutely love to post in his memory. He was a legend on the DEW Line. How do I get the photos to you to post on your website? Looking at the photos sure brings back lots of memories of time on the DEW Line. I have not read your “War Stories” yet but plan to do so and add one or two of my own if that is permissible. Let me know how to get the photos to you. Best wishes, Nick
Thanks Nick.
I look forward to seeing your photos if you manage to dig them up. Be sure to visit for my personal DEWLine adventures.
Found this site while updating my notes for a class I am going to teach about the DEW Line this Fall. I worked at BAR-Main from 1961 to 1963. This is an absolutely great site; a lot of work went into this wonderful resource. I was a logistician and flew the BAR sector doing inventory in addition to my regular assignment at BAR-Main. I am in the process of looking for my box of photos and slides. Hopefully I will be able to find them as it has been years since last I looked at them. If I find them I will contact you so that you can add as many as you like to this site. I ran across a DEW Line pin that I received and I still have my “Special Deputy for the Territory of Alaska” certificate given to me by Rev. Paul Maurer who was the Chaplain for the western part of the DEW Line. You have my email address, private email me so that I can email you copies of my photos.
Do you happen to know which sites your father work on? I enjoyed your recollection of your father giving you an earful whenever you complained about the weather. How true.
If your father’s photos are in a digital format, I’d like to have a copy. There may be some that could be added to the website.
Thanks for visiting the site.
Brian J.
Very interesting website, my father worked on the DEW line construction, he was with ITT-FEC for almost 35 years. I have a bunch of pictures of his time there, alot of landscapes and what looks to be Eskimos and somewhere around the house there’s a pelt (seal?) he brought back. When we were kids if we ever complained about being cold in 40 or 50 degree weather boy did we get an earful about the DEW line.
Good catch Hal. I’ve made the changes.
Brian – a superb site. Many thanks for your “caretaking” efforts.
Perhaps a small error on the “Skyking EAM” page ( Freqs listed in the 2nd last paragraph (“11.175 MHz, 6712 MHz, 8992 MHz, 13,200 MHz, and 15,016 MHz”) should possibly read 11.175 MHz, 6712 kHz, 8992 kHz, 13,200 kHz, and 15,016 kHz.
Thanks for dropping by George. I’d love to see the photos your Dad took. Items like that are getting rare.
Brian J.
Ran across this site by accident while looking at Baffin Island area on Google Earth. My dad, Fred Boyles, helped build the Dew Line going up there about 1957 for about 1 1/2 years. He was in Army Signal Corps in England and Scotland during WW-II and didn’t mind climbing so he built towers. He took several slides that I gave to the Air Force Museum at Dayton. However, I scanned them before I sent the originals. Interesting. Thanks