- CAM-4, PELLY BAY, Canada, is situated on 3794 acres in the southwestern portion of Simpson Peninsula. The module train of this Auxilliary Radar Station is located at an altitude of approximately 1000 feet above sea level to the west of a chain of lakes that include Lake Barrow. In general the terrain consists of glacier scarred ancient (precambrian) bedrock, strewed with large boulders and dotted with numerous rock-basin lakes and steep walled depressions. Scattered gravel beds can be found around Lake Barrow. The area around the station is characterized by its rugged relief.
- Annual precipitation, including snowfall is close to 8 inches, being heaviest in August and September and least in February. Snowfall is greatest in October and November and averages about 34 inches a year. Absolute minimum and maximum temperatures are minus 55 and plus 70 degrees Fahrenheit respectively
- The summer and winter potable water haul is a 3 and 1.5 mile round trip respectively.

Satellite Image – High level.

Satellite Image – Close-up.

Main Console. Radician Doug Wright sitting at the main console. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Radar Maintenance. Radician Brian Simon doing PMI’s on the FPS-19 Radar, 1961. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

G/A/G Transmitters. Radician Brian Simon getting ready to do PMI’s on Ground/Air/Ground transmitters. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Tropo Maintenance. Radician Brian Simon doing PMI’s on the FRC-45 Lateral Tropo equipment, 1961. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Tropo Maintenance. Radician Brian Simon getting ready to do monthly set up on the “Lateral” Tropo FRC-45 equipment, 1961. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Main console. Doug Kerr at the console, Brian Simon sitting on top. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

The emergency radio room at CAM-4. The 431B1 transmitter is off to the right. Circa 1980’s. Courtesy Jim Hatton.

Site under construction, winter 1957, courtesy Doug Consul.

Winter 1957 First flight (center of photo) in after 6 weeks of isolation, courtesy Doug Consul.

Winter 1957. “Don’t forget to take your shovel to bed or you won’t get out in the morning!!” Courtesy Doug Consul.

Winter1957. Courtesy Doug Consul.

A few of the crew on break, 1957. Courtesy Doug Consul.

1957 Lower Camp, courtesy Doug Consul.

Doug Consul standing on a “Snow Cat”, 1957.
Construction Era Photos for CAM-4.
The pictures below were selected from the extensive collection of Markham Cheever, the DEWLine’s Superintendent of Construction from 1953 to 1957, before the Line went operational. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- Visiting military people on the USAF, DEWZIAK, DC-4 aircraft in May 1957.
- Aerial view of the CAM-4, Pelly Bay, station. Sept 1956.
- Construction camp where the workers lived. March 1955.
The People
The people in the photos below, also from the Markham Cheever collection, are displayed in the hopes that someone may recognize a father, grandfather, or friend who was involved in the construction of this particular DEWLine site. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- Hardy Ross with the CAM-4 garage in the background. May 1957.
- L to R, Lack, Hoppe, Ross, and Goetze. May 1957.
- M. S. Cheever with the three trout he caught in 15 minutes. August 1956.