Like all the Intermediate sites (I-Sites), FOX-B was shut down and abandoned in 1963. Unfortunately, beyond the construction era photos at the bottom of this page, there are no pictures of FOX-B during its operational period of 1957-63.
The photos below are of the North Warning System (NWS) station that was establish near the original site in the late 90’s.

Site photo 13 Apr 2000. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

Site photo 13 Apr 2000. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

SRR Tower and Fuel Tanks 13 Apr 2000. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

DEWLine site garage, 13 Apr 2000. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.

Another Site photo taken 13 Apr 2000. Courtesy Dan McIsaac.
Construction Era Photos for FOX-B.
The pictures below were selected from the extensive collection of Markham Cheever, the DEWLine’s Superintendent of Construction from 1953 to 1957, before the Line went operational. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- D-4 Caterpillar working to prepare the ice airstrip. The guy on the right is taking a photo of the guy taking the photo!. April 1955.
- D-4 Caterpillar working on the airstrip. Mar 1955.
- Aerial photo showing the construction site. Notice the ice airstrip at the top of the photo. Mar 1956.
- USAF C-124 transport plane landing on the newly built ice airstrip. April 1955.
- Completed module train. The module on the right side contains the site’s generators. Mar 1956.
The People.
The people in the photos below, also from the Markham Cheever collection, are displayed in the hopes that someone may recognize a father, grandfather, or friend who was involved in the construction of this particular DEWLine site. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
- Col DeGoes (at right) with local Eskimos (Inuits) who are insulating their tent with blocks of snow. Mar 1955.
- Findlayson on the ice strip. Mar 1955.