Satellite Image – High level.

Satellite Image – Close-up. Original DEWLine “I” Site.

Satellite Image – Close-up. NWS SRR site

Chef R. Cote in the kitchen area. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Electronics Module. Radician Brian Simon monitoring power panel. AN/FRT-4 transmitters can be seen in the background, 1961. Courtesy Brian (Simon) Jeffrey.

Site photo 1956, courtesy Dirk Van Nest.
Construction Era Photos for CAM-D.
The People
The people in the photo below, also from the Markham Cheever collection, are displayed in the hopes that someone may recognize a father, grandfather, or friend who was involved in the construction of this particular DEWLine site. (Click on picture to enlarge.)

Construction tent living. Shown are Shaw, M.S. Cheever, and Walker. Date unknown.