DEWLine Patches
Unique DEWLine Jacket Patches, Crests & Plaques, Etc.
Miscellaneous Patches
(Clicking a image will open a full size image in a new window.)
719th AC&W Sparrevohn AK. Courtesy Chuck Sunder.
North Warning Patch. Courtesy Al Niedrich.
USCGC Storis 1959 DEWLine operation WAG 38. Courtesy Don (Wag) Wagner.
USCGC Storis 1958 DEWLine operation. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
USCGC Storis 1957 DEWLine operation. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
USCGC Storis 1957 North West Passage. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
DEWLine Arctic Circle, 1955-56. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
DEWLine, 1956. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
DEWLine Arctic
DEWLine North West Territories.
DEWLine/NWT parches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
DEWLine/NWT parches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
DEWLine. Courtesy Sid Carmean.
Small NWT patches. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
Small NWT patches. Courtesy Wayne Sloane.
4700 ADS. Courtesy Mark Boda.
4700 DEW System Office and Operational Support Sqn. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
ITT Arctic Services Inc. patch. Courtesy Harold Stacy.
ITT Federal Electric Corp patch. Courtesy Denny Dennison.
DEWLine lapel pins. Courtesy Denny Dennison.
Greenland sector patch.
USAF DEWLine patch. Courtesy Bob Wilson.
Site Patches, etc.
(Clicking a thumbnail will open a full size image in a new window.)
POW Main. Courtesy John Vanderberg.
BAR Main. Courtesy Sarah Belisle.
BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
BAR Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
BAR 3. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
BAR 3. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
PIN Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
PIN Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
PIN 1. Courtesy Mark Boda.
CAM Main. Courtesy Ken Fisher.
CAM Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
CAM Main. Courtesy Mark Boda.
CAM Main OokPik Inn coaster. Courtesy Harold Stacey.
CAM Main OokPik Inn coaster and membership card. Courtesy Ken Todd.
CAM Main NWS patch. Courtesy Brent Peters.
CAM 1. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
CAM 1. Courtesy Wayne Slone.
CAM 3.
FOX Main. Courtesy Richard Preece.
FOX Main. Courtesy Dennis Thornton.
FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
FOX Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
FOX Main. Courtesy Dave Rennie.
FOX 1 (1961). Courtesy Clary McLellan.
FOX 2. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
FOX 4. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
DYE Main. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
DYE Main (Site 41). Courtesy Doug Johnston.
DYE 1. Courtesy Michael Current.
DYE 2. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
DYE 3. Courtesy Tarjei Holtestaul, Capt., Royal Norwegian Army (Cav).
DYE 3.
DYE 4. Courtesy Fred Teeter.
DYE 4. Courtesy Mark Boda.
DYE 4. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
RES-X-1 (BAF 3). Courtesy Richard Preece.
Belt Buckles/Miscellaneous Items
(Clicking a thumbnail will open a full size image in a new window.)
Ladies silk “DEWLine” scarf. Courtesy Mike Rankin.
“DEWsiak” glass. Courtesy Douglas Radney.
CAM 3 Kontiki Club membership.
RES-X-1 liquer license, 1973. Courtesy Richard Preece.
RES-X-1 Brass Plaque.
Collective Agreement between O&MS Inc & IBEW 2085. Courtesy Richard Preece.
Lighter collection. Courtesy Richard Preece.
Dog Musher Assoc card. Courtesy Chris Bentley.
DEWLine Plaque. Courtesy Jack A Williams
FOX Main plaque. Courtesy Jack A Williams.
NAADM/NWS 20 year reunion memorial couin.
ITT letter. Courtesy Steven Shewchuk.
Select Order of Zaks Certificate. Courtesy Dirk Van Nest.
Radician Certificate of Training. Courtesy Les Herbert.
WECO “Order of Arctic Experts.” 1956. Courtesy Robert Davis.
DEWLine coin. Courtesy Robert Davis.
Bracelet charms and lapel button. Courtesy Robert Davis.
Society of the Frozen North certificate. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
Alaska DEWLine souvenir knife. Courtesy Willian H Skinner.
NWS commemorative belt buckle. Courtesy Larry Wilson.
ITT lapel pin. Presented at the end of contract in 1993. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
DYE 4 Zippo lighter. Courtesy Kevin Delaney.
Order of the Seagulls. Courtesy Jack Long.
DEWLine lighter collection. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
DEWLine lighter. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
BAR 4 souvenir knife. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
Paramus NJ ashtray. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
DEWLine “Icecap” lighter. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
USNS Mighty Mouse. Courtesy Preben Johansson.
DEWLine IBEW pin. Courtesy Ralph Howell.
BAR Main lighter. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
DEWLine lapel pins. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
NAADM lapel pins. Courtesy John Vandenberg.
VIP manual, front cover, 1970. Courtesy Ken Todd.
DEWLine IBEW union card. Courtesy Ken Todd.
FEC driver’s license (front). Courtesy Ken Todd.
FEC driver’s license (rear). Courtesy Ken Todd.
US Govt DEWLine driver’s license (front). Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
US Govt DEWLine driver’s license (rear). Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
Cambridge bay patch. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
Employee ID card. Courtesy Jack Elliot.
DEWLine 25 year lapel pin. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
DSO plaque. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
DEWLine patch. Alaska-Canada-Greenland. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
NWT patch. Courtesy Steven Whitt.
DEWLine Training Manual cover. Courtesy Ken Todd.
NAADM patch. Courtesy Brent Peters.
ITT Arctic Serevices pen knife. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
DEWLine charm braclet. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
1956 Christmas menu (front). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
1956 Christmas menu (inside). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
1957 New Years menu (front). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
1957 New Years menu (inside). Courtesy John Vandenberg.
OokPik Inn beer mug. Courtesy Derek Whitehead.
DEWLine Christmas card. Courtesy Jacque Lambert.
Another DEWLine Christmas card. Courtesy Jacque Lambert.